
Starter code for the Duke project

Project maintained by shanecsj Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

User Guide

M4RCK is a helper bot created to manage an individual’s daily tasks.

You can trust him with your personal data.


Feature 1: Add a to-do task

Format: todo <description>

M4RCK will add a to-do task provided to the user’s list of tasks.

Example of usage:

todo finish README doc

Feature 2: Add a deadline task

Format: deadline <description> /by <yyyy-mm-dd>

M4RCK will add a deadline task along with the date provided to the user’s list of tasks.

Providing an invalid date format will return an error message.

Example of usage:

deadline CS2103T iP /by 2020-03-02

Feature 3: Add an event

Format: event <description> /at <yyyy-mm-dd>

M4RCK will add an event along with the date provided to the user’s list of tasks.

Providing an invalid date format will return an error message.

Example of usage:

event CS2103T finals /at 2020-04-25

Feature 4: List all tasks

Format: list

M4RCK will display all the tasks currently in the user’s list.

Example of usage:


Feature 5: Mark task as done

Format: done <index>

M4RCK will mark the task at the specified index as done.

Providing an invalid index will return an error message.

Example of usage:

done 2 will mark the second task as done

Feature 6: Delete task

Format: delete <index>

M4RCK will delete the task at the specified index.

Providing an invalid index will return an error message.

Example of usage:

delete 3 will delete the third task

Feature 7: Find task

Format: find <keyword>

M4RCK will display a list of tasks that contains the keyword specified.

Example of usage:

find exam

Feature 8: Terminate the program

Format: bye

M4RCK will bid farewell and automatically close the window in 2 seconds.

Example of usage:


Minor Feature: Detecting duplicates

When adding a task (i.e. todo, deadline or event), M4RCK will check if there exists a duplicated task within the user’s list and prevents user from adding duplicated tasks.